DCED Secretary Davin on hand to launch marketing of Business Park II
Bedford, PA — Economic development requires patience and perseverance. It also demands that risks be taken in preparing for new and existing businesses in Bedford County. One of those major risks includes the development of the pad-ready site in BCDA’s Business Park II.
The site is seen as an important addition to the portfolio of options available to companies seeking to locate or expand in Bedford County.
An event was held recently to mark the beginning of a concentrated marketing campaign that is expected to attract site selectors to the region. On hand to help launch the marketing effort was Dennis Davin, secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development.
Secretary Davin was introduced by BCDA Board Chair Sean Bardell.
“An event like this gives us the opportunity to show local, state and federal officials how important it is to fund economic development projects such as Business Park II,” Davin said. “Projects like this are major risks but it shows the vision of the Bedford County Development Association in investing in site development.”
Davin noted that the state will do all it can to help BCDA market the Business Park II site regionally, nationally and globally. “We want to recover our investment,” he quipped. “And we want to help lower the risk of creating a site like this.”
Also joining in the celebration, dubbed “Ready for Business,” was U.S. Congressman Bill Shuster.
“Congressman Shuster has long been a strong advocate for economic development efforts in Bedford County,” said Bardell.
“This site is truly an investment in our future,” said Shuster. “We need to continue to work together, public and private, local, state and federal officials. And we need to keep in mind that I-99 is a key element — the crowning achievement — for Bedford County. If we have pad-ready sites such as the Business Park II, they will come (to Bedford County.)
The “Ready for Business” effort will seek to attract the attention of site selectors and business leaders. The fact that the site has the necessary infrastructure in place will make for an easy transition for any company coming to the area.
In outlining the long road that eventually led to the creation of the Business Park II site, Bette Slayton, president of BCDA explained the work that went into its eventual development.
“The decade of the1990s was a busy time at BCDA,” she said. “We helped local companies with major expansions and recruited Wal-Mart’s distribution center to an 850,000 square-foot site. We also built Business Park I.”
The work on Business Park II began in 1999 when a special committee was created. It took until 2002 to identify the property that would serve as Business Park II.
“We needed a park that could provide larger sites than the three (3) to five (5) acre parcels that were provided in Business Park I,’” Slayton stated.
In addition to its prime location and proximity to a world class workforce, Business Park II can accommodate the development of a 780,000 square foot facility. Site information shows that preliminary land development is complete. An environmental assessment and wetland review have also been completed.
The site is designated as a Keystone Opportunity Zone (KOZ) with tax abatement through the end of 2025.
“Now it is time to tell the world that we are here, with a fully-permitted, KOZ-designated, beautiful 75-acre pad-ready site,” said Slayton.
For more information, contact:
Bette Slayton, President
Bedford County Development Association
Phone: 814.623.4816
E-mail: slayton@bcda.org