BEDFORD, PA — The Bedford County Development Association (BCDA) is proud to announce additions to its Board of Directors for the new year.
The new Board Chair is Mark Bollman, Administrative Director of the Bedford County Technical Center.
“I hope to build on the great accomplishments that have occurred over the past several years,” Bollman said. “Our focus will be to attract job-producing businesses into our area while continuing to assist existing businesses with various networking and financial endeavors.”
Bollman believes that marketing Bedford County, including BCDA’s real estate assets, is a top priority.
“We will also be training two new staff members, helping existing companies in the region to grow, and maximizing our entrepreneurial projects,” he explained.
Bollman understands the need to continue improving workforce and training.
“Bedford County has many assets, including its Quality of Life. One of our challenges continues to be the need to offer young people opportunities in their home county and region,” Bollman said. “The younger generation wants conveniences such as broadband, public transportation and entertainment. They want jobs that are fulfilling and not just a paycheck.”
Joining Bollman on the BCDA Board is Dr. Sherry Cain, of Everett. Cain’s career includes 30 years as a private practice therapist. “I hope to be able to share my area of expertise and my experience working with the individuals in the county who make up the workforce. I believe that I have insight into their issues and concerns.”
“I also hope to learn more about how BCDA functions and how projects are developed,” Cain said. “People see businesses come into the county, but I don’t think anyone realizes how much work is involved in it and who is behind the scenes.”
Cain’s experience encourages consensus building. “I think the organizations involved in developing Bedford County have to work together to support each other and to share their visions with each other. If everyone is on the same page with their vision for Bedford County, they can work together to continue to bring in visitors and businesses.” She continued, “It is important to encourage connection and build upon Bedford County’s reputation for being a great place to work.”
Returning to the Board is Travis Collins, who has had a long tradition of service to the BCDA and the entire Bedford County business community. As the owner of B.C. Stone in Everett, Collins has more than 25 years experience in economic development initiatives.
“The sale of the large lot in Business Park II is a priority,” Collins stated.
Collins also thinks it is important to assist existing companies in their growth needs. “They are already part of the culture we wish to preserve”, he noted. What is the best thing about doing business here? “We appreciate manufacturing products in our hometown that are shipped out of the area while we are able to maintain a quiet rural lifestyle,” Collins said.
“It is a proven fact that the vision and risks taken by BCDA have created numerous economic success stories. I am very proud to be associated with this group,” Collins noted.
New member CA Detwiler will be representing the needs and points of view of the agricultural industry. For the past 20 years, Detwiler has been the owner/operator of the Golden Rule Farm. Detwiler, from Martinsburg, spent 11 years as the owner/operator of Forsheys Ag and Industrial.
“The priorities that I have for my term on the board are to help foster the continued economic growth and development in the county making sure agriculture is part of that growth,” Detwiler said.
“There are many good things about doing business in Bedford County,” he said. “But the best thing is the people. Bedford County has talented people who are willing to step up and do the work that needs to be done.”
Robbie Weaver, of Breezewood, enjoys his role as a business entrepreneur. He oversees three businesses including Weaver Sanitation, Breezewood Transfer, LLC., and Breezewood Truck Wash, LLC.
As a successful entrepreneur, Weaver’s focus for BCDA is continuing to attract more businesses and industries to the region. “The people of Bedford County are hardworking individuals,” Weaver said. “I believe we can do many great things here. It is a great place to live and raise a family. Creating great job opportunities will do much to enhance the quality of life we have grown to love here in Bedford County.”
Bob McGowan is the President and CEO of Mission Critical Solutions in Alum Bank. As a manufacturer and Defense Department supplier, McGowan brings vast business experience in fabrication and machining to the Board.
“My priorities on the board are to promote the broad array of businesses and capabilities we possess in Bedford County. This includes using local businesses and keeping as much in the Bedford economy as possible,” stated McGowan. “The most pressing issue is identifying what Bedford County offers and getting this to national firms. Based on our location off major interstates, we should be growing by leaps and bounds.”
When promoting the county, McGowan says, “Our best asset is our labor force. Our people are dedicated and quality driven.”
“BCDA has enjoyed excellent leadership throughout the years,” said Bette Slayton, President, BCDA. “We are fortunate to have another str
ong board guiding our organization in 2019. These people are smart, experienced people who truly care.”
For more information, contact:
Bette Slayton, President
Bedford County Development Association
(814) 623-4816 E-mail: slayton@bcda.org